By Aldous Huxley
ISBN: 9781628974492
Publication Date: 9/19/23
Aldous Huxley's lifelong concern with the dichotomy between passion and reason finds its fullest thematic and formal expression in his masterpiece Point Counter Point. By presenting a vision of life in which diverse aspects of experience are observed simultaneously, Huxley characterizes the symptoms of "the disease of modern man' in the manner of a composer—themes and characters are repeated, altered slightly, and played off one another in a tone that is at once critical and sympathetic.
First published in 1928, Huxley's satiric view of intellectual life in the '20s is populated by characters based on such celebrities of the time as D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Sir Oswald Mosley, Nancy Cunard, and John Middleton Murray, as well as Huxley himself. A major work of the twentieth century and a monument of literary modernism, this edition includes an introduction by the acclaimed novelist Nicholas Mosley (author of Hopeful Monsters and the son of Sir Oswald Mosley).
Along with Brave New World, Point Counter Point is Huxley's most concentrated attack on the scientific attitude and its effect on modern culture.
Other Books by Aldous Huxley
“The aim of this book is not idle amusement for the sophisticated, but a grasping of the intellectual Zeitgeist and a biting criticism of it. . . . Point Counter Point is the most powerful and vitriolic indictment of the intellectual world we have had in years.” —New York Times
“Point Counter Point is the modem Vanity Fair, and Mr. Huxley is the Thackeray de nos jours. . . . It might have been said in its own day that Vanity Fair was the richest novel in substance and the most comprehensive that had appeared in English. The same thing might be said today of Point Counter Point.” —New Republic
“Unflagging in its spirits and unflagging in its intelligence, throughout more than four hundred pages it vindicates Mr. Huxley’s right to be considered the most able of contemporary satirists and the most perfect representative of the mood which he describes.” —New York Herald Tribune
Biographical Information
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) is often considered a leader of modern thought and one of the most important literary and philosophical voices of the twentieth century. Though best known for Brave New World, he also wrote countless works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and essays. A humanist, pacifist, and satirist, he wrote novels and other works that functioned as critiques of social norms and ideals. Born in England, he spent the latter part of his life in the United States.
Nicholas Mosley (1923-2017)was a British peer, novelist, and biographer, including that of his father, Sir Oswald Mosley, the founder of the British Union of Fascists.