Following his short story collection, You Do Understand?, is this expansive collection of sixteen tales about "urban nomads" lost in a labyrinth of pop culture: "We go to the movies. We read books. We listen to music. No harm in that, but it's not real."
A best-seller in Eastern Europe, Law of Desire is Andrej Blatnik at the height of his powers. He is one of the most respected and internationally relevant post-Yugoslav authors writing today.
Following his short story collection, You Do Understand?, is this expansive collection of sixteen tales about "urban nomads" lost in a labyrinth of pop culture: "We go to the movies. We read books. We listen to music. No harm in that, but it's not real."
A best-seller in Eastern Europe, Law of Desire is Andrej Blatnik at the height of his powers. He is one of the most respected and internationally relevant post-Yugoslav authors writing today.
"Blatnik has a knack for wringing insight and meaning out of such concision" – Kirkus Reviews
"Bubbles with droll, dry humor" – Publishers Weekly
"Blatnik’s stories bear comparison, and not just in their minimalism and economy of expression, with the fiction of Gabriel Josipovici and Lydia Davis. Davis, in particular. Both writers simultaneously exploit and explore the humour and pathos in un-dramatic situations, linguistic kinks, and psychological and philosophical dilemmas." – Colin Herd, 3:AM Magazine