Written in alternating voices, Jorge Guzman's Job-Boj is a captivating novel that explores the progression from melancholy to happiness, or vice versa. The delicate interplay between a light-hearted narrator and a brooding, introspective one draws the reader in to question identity. Are they the same man? Two different periods from the same life? Or are they two separate people? The reader is left to judge.
Written in alternating voices, Jorge Guzman's Job-Boj is a captivating novel that explores the progression from melancholy to happiness, or vice versa. The delicate interplay between a light-hearted narrator and a brooding, introspective one draws the reader in to question identity. Are they the same man? Two different periods from the same life? Or are they two separate people? The reader is left to judge. While the novel is a superb masterclass in structure and innovation, Job-Boj is a "rich and absorbing entertainment."