Best European Fiction 2011 is the second installment of an annual anthology of stories from across Europe. Edited by acclaimed Bosnian novelist and MacArthur "Genius-Award" winner Aleksandar Hemon, with a preface by Irish novelist Colum McCann ...
Best European Fiction 2011 is the second installment of an annual anthology of stories from across Europe. Edited by acclaimed Bosnian novelist and MacArthur "Genius-Award" winner Aleksandar Hemon, with a preface by Irish novelist Colum McCann, and with dozens of editorial, media, and programming partners in the U.S., UK, and Europe, the Best European Fiction series will be a window onto what's happening right now in literary scenes throughout Europe, where the next Kafka, Flaubert, or Mann is waiting to be discovered.
UK, WALES: Wiliam Owen Roberts, The Professionals
UK, ENGLAND: Hilary Mantel, The Hearts Fails without Warning
TURKEY: Ersan Üldes, Professional Behavior
SWITZERLAND: Verena Stefan, Doe a Deer
SPAIN (Catalan): Mercè Ibarz, Nela and the Virgins
SPAIN (Castilian): Enrique Vila-Matas, Far From Here
SLOVENIA: Drago Jančar, The Prophecy
SERBIA: Vladimir Arsenijević, One Minute: Dumbo’s Death
RUSSIA: Andrei Gelasimov, The Evil Eye
ROMANIA: Lucian Dan Teodorovici, Goose Chase
PORTUGAL: Gonçalo Manuel Tavares, Six Tales
POLAND: Olga Tokarczuk, The Ugliest Woman in the World
NORWAY: Frode Grytten, Hotel by a Railroad
NETHERLANDS: Manon Uphoff, Desire
MONTENEGRO: Ognjen Spahić, Raymond is No Longer with Us—Carver is Dead
MOLDOVA: Iulian Ciocan, Auntie Frosea
MACEDONIA: Blaže Minevski, Academician Sisoye’s Inaugural Speech
LITHUANIA: Danutė Kalinauskaitė, Just Things
LIECHTENSTEIN: Stefan Sprenger, Dust
LATVIA: Nora Ikstena, Elza Kuga’s Old-Age Dementia
ITALY: Marco Candida, Dream Diary
IRELAND (Irish): Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Trespasses
IRELAND (English): Kevin Barry, Doctor Sot
ICELAND: Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Holes in People
HUNGARY: László Krasznahorkai, The Bill
GERMANY: Ingo Schulze, Oranges and Angel
GEORGIA: Zurab Lezhava, Sex for Fridge
FRANCE: Eric Laurrent, American Diary
FINLAND: Anita Konkka, The Clown
ESTONIA: Toomas Vint, Beyond the Window a Park is Dimming
DENMARK: Peter Adolphsen, Fourteen Small Stories
CZECH REPULIC: Michal Ajvaz, The Wire Book
CYPRUS: Nora Nadjarian, Exhibition
CROATIA: Mimi Simić, My Girlfriend
BULGARIA: Alek Popov, Plumbers
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: Goran Samardžić, Varneesh
BELGIUM: François Emmanuel, Lou Dancing
BELARUS: Victor Martinovich, Taboo
AUSTRIA: Dieter Sperl, Random Walker
ALBANIA: Arian Leka, Brothers of the Blade